My Heart Is Small My Love Is Grand (Kalbim Küçük Sevgim Büyük)

My Heart Is Small My Love Is Grand (Kalbim Küçük Sevgim Büyük)

People have many important abilities that other living things don't have, such as speaking, thinking and building. There is a special trait that humans have that puts them above the rest of creation. Do you know what that is? The difference that
puts people above ali of creation is faith. Our faith is expressed by saying *I believe in Allah, the angels, the Books, the Prophets, the Hereafter, in destiny, that good and evil come from Allah." As you make your way through the pages of this book, you will learn the principles of faith and get a taste of what it means to have faith.

Liste Fiyatı: 450,00
Yayın Tarihi: 16.05.2014
ISBN: 9786050814118
Sayfa Sayısı: 142
Cilt Tipi: Karton Kapak
Kağıt Cinsi: 1. Hm. Kağıt
Boyut: 15 x 19 cm

Bu üründen 45 adet satın alınmıştır.

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