You always do renew yourself. Bring a new person out of you. Make a fresh start. Every new day is a door to a new world for you! Your questions are waiting for an answer. Untie them! Solving them means relaxing. Very few people can afford being themselves. If you want to be different, be yourself!
A smart teenager... She reads books... Thinks… Questions… She neither believes nor denies... She is hesitant... Interested in literature… Writes papers… Is interested in philosophy.... One day she meets an author on the internet.... He is an interesting man who has made reading, thinking and writing a lifestyle... Despite never seeing the author’s face, a very strong bond develops between them.... They write to each other about everything on life... As time passes by, the topics too get deeper and more interesting… An original book which touches upon the fundamental topics which concern every man at every time... It is an essay of thinking together... It is the story of searching for the truth...